Diamond Dust Blowback
Neon exhibit, walk through the light
Art as we live it, hanging on tight
To the forms and expressions
Act on loose impressions
Forms wrought of air
Our medium your unseeing stares
Diamond dust
Diamond dust
Diamond dust
Diamond dust blowback
A masterpiece of prepared defacement
A dance, a flash tribe displacement
Poems writ in blood
Re-combined at random
The essence of our art
Lies in the tearing apart
Diamond dust
Diamond dust
Diamond dust
Diamond dust blowback
Burning Photon music
Diamond dust blowback
Converting flesh to signals
Diamond dust blowback
Here's a little progress report on the Veil of Thorns tracks. Coming right up, we'll be releasing another single, the cover for which you can see above. The mix of the "A Side", as it were is complete and a couple remixes are in the works. We may throw in a remix of an existing Veil of Thorns track as well. These mixes are about 80% there. This should be coming in the next week or two.

The dreaded GOTHRONOMICON has been brought to us and is being translated by mute scribes and the content held therein tested by fearless and skilled mages, though a few have been lost between space... We have a tip on where to find the Gothrapocrypha and some info on what it will take to obtain it. We hope to get this process on film.

Keep an eye on this space and on PANICMACHINE, for much is in store and updates should be coming early and often.
P. Emerson Williams
Head Necrofuturist,
Veil of Thorns