Showing posts with label Tara VanFlower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tara VanFlower. Show all posts

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Gspot #38: The Last Dream of Vivaconundrum

In this episode guest host P. Emerson Williams brings us a transmission of unknown provenance. It could be a fever dream, or a love note from the near future. It could be the climax of a tale told by a time-traveling messenger, or the dénouement of the fantasies of a madman. Then we have an excerpt from a chapter of Lives of Ilya, a novel from Mythos Media written by Tara Vanflower and lushly illustrated by Daniele Serra read by Jarboe and including a haunting soundtrack by Tara. Additional music by subQtaneous and Veil of Thorns.

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